Monday, October 18, 2010

The Reverse-Bandwagon

These days, I’m seeing a lot of the ‘reverse-bandwagon’. Although it sounds like some sort of kinky sex move, I actually use it to describe those people who are just too indie for planet earth. And I really, really want to punch them all in the balls.

You can usually spot this type of person, as it is pretty hard to miss someone with their head shoved that far up their own arse. He/she will usually prance around with exclamations such as “Oh, I heard that band when I was in the womb!” or “Yeah (insert unknown band’s name here) is reminiscent of (insert equally unknown band’s name here)’s earlier stuff…” But more annoyingly, the second this band gains any popularity or credit for their music, this person will have pranced on to supposedly newer and better things, labeling their old “favouritest band” as sellouts.

Take Kings of Leon for example. I will never comprehend how a band that gave us three amazing (okay, okay, I’ll be objective: solid) albums was turned on so quickly by their “oldest fans” due to the mainstream popularity of Only By The Night. The mediocrity of this album was grossly exaggerated, as the majority of older fans struggled to discern between a genuinely shit album and the overkill of a genuinely shit radio station (here’s looking at you, Nova).

I’ve seen this shit continue with the release of their first single, Radioactive. When Triple J asked for opinions, a huge number of listeners decided that Kings were “catering to their new fans.” Did these jerkbags decide that before hearing the song? I know I’m being subjective as fuck but I just don’t understand how anyone could say that about a song that would slot in perfectly on Because of the Times, the album prior to their “big sellout”.

For a band that provided me with countless summer soundtracks, from studying with Taper Jean Girl to sun baking with California Waiting, I will remain loyal. After all, the Chili Peppers assaulted my ears with Stadium Arcadium and I’ll still be jizzing-my-pants-excited about their next album.

To summarize: finding new music is great, sharing new music is great. Flinging shit at older bands is not. Everyone has an inner pretentious pony, but seriously dude, put it on a leash. Nobody likes that pony and it has no friends.

Sorry boys. Although you didn't get a mention, you'll always be my faves.

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